Welcome to the Ipsen Assist Patient Support Program.
Ipsen Assist provides support to patients in Australia who have been prescribed an Ipsen medication for approved uses.
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Welcome to the Ipsen Assist Patient Support Program.
Ipsen Assist provides support to patients in Australia who have been prescribed an Ipsen medication for approved uses.
I declare that I am either:
If you have any questions about Ipsen Assist please contact the Program Coordinator on 1800 477 366 or support@ipsenassist.com
®Ipsen Assist is a registered trade mark of Ipsen Pty Ltd. Ipsen Assist Support Programs are an initiative of Ipsen Pty Ltd. Ipsen Pty Ltd, ABN 47 095 036 909, Lvl 5, 627 Chapel Street, South Yarra, VIC 3141 Australia. T: 1800 317 033 E: medinfo.australia@ipsen.com W: www.ipsen.com/aus/ Date of preparation: June 2024 ALL-AU-000062